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Transform Your Fitness Journey Today!

At Triple C Solutions, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals with personalized training and nutrition plans tailored just for you.

Choose from our comprehensive packages and start your journey to a healthier, fitter you!

In-Person Personal Training

  1. Cost: $150/month

  2. Includes:

    • 3 training days per week

    • 1-hour sessions with a certified personal trainer

    • Access to our interactive training app

    • Custom meal plan tailored to your fitness goals

Online Training Package

  1. Cost: $60/month

  2. Includes:

    • Interactive messaging with a personal trainer through our app

    • Custom meal plan tailored to your fitness goals

Initial Assessment Package

  1. Cost: $45 one-time

  2. Includes:

    • Assessment of body goals, strength, and endurance milestones

    • Custom meal plan tailored to your fitness goals

Special Offer:

Upgrade your initial assessment package for just $15 more and gain access to our online training app!

Meal Plan Adjustments

  1. Cost: $10 per adjustment

  2. Includes:

    • Updates to your custom meal plan as you progress and meet your fitness goals

Future Group Bootcamps

  1. Free: For members with any plan

  2. Non-members: $10 per session

Join our in-person training and get automatic access to our online training app! Never miss a session, whether you're at home or on the go.

Why Choose Triple C Solutions?

  1. Expert Guidance: Certified personal trainers dedicated to your success

  2. Customized Plans: Meal and workout plans tailored to your unique goals

  3. Flexibility: In-person and online options to fit your lifestyle

  4. Community Support: Engage with others and stay motivated in our future group bootcamps


Don’t wait to start your fitness transformation! Sign up with Triple C Solutions today and take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you.

Our Services

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